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01/28/2025 MSN 01/28/2025 MSN
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February 4, 2025

Items for Sale

Wanted to Buy



ALL KINDS of hay and straw delivered. Walter Mathys 608-482-1457.
FOR SALE 5X5 round bales of alfalfa. Second and Third crop. Plastic wrapped. No rain. 608-987-2634.
FOR SALE: 1st and 2nd crop Grass/alfalfa hay, big squares. No rain, stored inside. 815-238-3044.
HAY FOR sale of all descriptions. (608)938-4588 or (608)558-3884.
JOHN DEERE 2010 loader trip bucket $300. WANTED: Allis-Chalmers W.D. 28" rims, good shape. John Deere "M" project $400. Monroe (815)297-3921.
WANTED: HORSES, ponies. For sale galvanized gates, panels. 608-341-8144.

General Merchandise

FOR SALE: 2 Stage Yardman 24" snowblower, used very little. May be seen at 1316 19th St., Monroe. Electric or pull start. Serial #6270181610420, 6 forward speeds, 2 reverse speeds, $500 firm. Phone (608)558-6594.
RICK MILES COINS, BUY AND SELL: U.S. Coins, 40% and 90% silver, gold coins, old currency, coin collections. Also do appraisals. 608-988-6406 or 608-723-4917.

Pets & Animals


3 YORKIES, 1 male, 2 female puppies, 7 weeks. 2 Yorkie males, six months. 1 Yorkie female, 8 months. All ready to go, vaccinated and dewormed. $300 each. 16052 Riley Rd. Boscobel, WI 53805.
AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS $675!AKC YELLOW/BLACK LAB PUPS $800! GOLDEN LAB PUPS $400! Call 715-671-3092 (#267331) 2/3
AKC PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI PUPS! Born Nov. 16. Vet Ck’d Lovable $500. 715-644-8704 (2/10)s
AKC TOY POODLE PUPS! Dews, Shots, Vet Ck’d, Wormed $850 Call 715-536-0697 #524892 (2/3)
AUSTRAILEN SHEPARD PUPS! Tri & Merle color Ready to pick up 2/10. $400 Call 920-905-4665. (2/3)
BERNE DOODLE PUPS! Shots Vet Ck’d $695 No Sunday Calls. 715-409-3321 (#495932)2/3H
CAVAPOO PUPS. Shots, Dews, Wormed Vet Ck’d Health Guaranteed $500 Call 715-470-0458 No Text (#509642)
CAVAPOO PUPS $500 Shots/Worm/Vet ck’d, can deliver 715-255-2661 (#269146)2/3)nw
CAVASCHON POODLE PUPS!Born Nov. 29. Vet Ck’d, Shots Dewormed $450. Call 715-669-7306 (2/3)
LAB PUPS FOR SALE 2 Silver 8 Choc. Call 715-379-7861 (2/10)
MALSHIH PUPS!11-24-24 Parents 8lbs Non-Shedding $350 Call 715-773-2199 No Text (2/3)
MINI ESKIMO PUPS! Reg. White $350 Call 715-773-2199 No Text (2/3)
MOYANDOODLE PUPS! $700 Shots/Worm/Vet ck’d, can deliver 715-255-2661 (#269146)2/3sm
POMERANIAN PUPPIES Born 11/30 Shots and Vet Ck’d Call 715-644-8077 (2/3)
REGISTERD CAVALIER KING CHARLES PUPS. Shots, Dews, Vet Ck’d Ready NOW Can deliver $700 Call 715-470-0458 (#509642) 2/3 amnw
YORKI POO & HAVAPOO PUPPIES! DEW, Vet Ck’d and Shots. Tri Color Chocolate 715-937-4425 (1/27)


Business Services

FLORIDA BOUND EMPTY TRUCK. Can move household & Cars – CHEAP! Local 414-520-1612


Help Wanted

APARTMENT MANAGER – Albany Housing Authority is seeking an Executive Director for the Albany Wisconsin apartments. The successful applicant will possess strong customer service skills, be organized, detail oriented, computer literate to include using Excel, Word, and Government portals. In addition they must have great verbal and written communication skills and be able to multi-task. Previous housing experience is preferred and knowledge of federal rent subsidy programs a plus. Resumes must be submitted before February 11th, 2025 to be considered. Send resume to Dawn at or Albany Housing Authority, 101 W Main Street, Albany, WI 53502.


New Glarus Brewing Co. will add a HR Generalist to our Administrative Team. Responsibilities will focus on benefits administration (including FMLA and COBRA), support payroll processing, maintain open communication, coordinate workplace training and maintain existing positive work environment. Other responsibilities assigned as needed. Successful applicant must have a Bachelors in Human Resources and 3+ years’ experience. Experience in Manufacturing and/or ESOP preferred. Starting pay is $32/hr or more depending on experience. Please visit for more information. New Glarus Brewing Co. is a stable growing brewery that offers competitive salary, full paid medical, 401K, paid vacation, profit-sharing, as well as a friendly and clean work environment. Please forward your resume/applications to: or mail to: New Glarus Brewing Company PO Box 759 New Glarus, WI 53574 No Phone Calls Please

Real Estate

Mobile Homes For Sale

MOBILE HOMES For Sale: Evergreen Village, 30972 Cty Rd. XX, Platteville, WI 53818. Office Lot 217. 16x80 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $69,500. 16x80 2 bedrooms, 2 baths $69,500. If interested, call manager Mary Lou 608-642-3901. Park offers financing.
MOBILE HOMES For Sale: Evergreen Village, 30972 Cty Rd. XX, Platteville, WI 53818. Office Lot 217. 16x80 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $69,500. 16x80 2 bedrooms, 2 baths $69,500. If interested, call manager Mary Lou 608-642-3901. Park offers financing.

Land/Lots For Sale

CRANDON WI. 106 Acre Gravel Pit for sale 3.5mil. Can divide Pit Stumpage Available Volume Discounts. Also 10 Acre on town rd. Power Available Land Contract Available $89,000 Call 715-493-6121 (2/25)

FOR SALE: 39 acres more or less. Lamont Township. 34 acres cropland, running stream & hunting ground available. (608)214-2146.

For Rent

MOBILE HOMES For Rent: Evergreen Village, 30972 Cty Rd. XX, Platteville, WI 53818. Office Lot 217. 2 16x80 Mobile Homes for rent. Recently remodeled $1,450 plus utilities. If interested, call manager Mary Lou 608-642-3901.
MOBILE HOMES For Rent: Evergreen Village, 30972 Cty Rd. XX, Platteville, WI 53818. Office Lot 217. 2 16x80 Mobile Homes for rent. Recently remodeled $1,450 plus utilities.  If interested, call manager Mary Lou 608-642-3901.